الأحد، 14 أكتوبر 2012

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Hello مرحبا
My name اسمي
I am أنا أكون
I am not أنا لست كذلك
Are you? هل أنت؟
I am here أنا هنا
You are there أنت هناك
How are you? كيف حالك؟
How old are you? كم عمرك
I am 6 years old عمري 6 سنوات
Where is? أين
It is there إنه هناك
Please من فضلك
Thank you شكرا لك
No, isn’t كلا
What is this? ما هذا؟

Hotel فندق
Car park موقف سيارات
Mosque مسجد
Good morning صباح الخير
Good afternoon تحية ما بعد الظهر حتى المساء
Good evening مساء الخير
Good bye مع السلامة
Car سيارة
A football كرة قدم
An airplane طائرة
Boat قارب
Cakes كعكة
Horses خيول
Cats قطط
International دولي
Station محطة
Televisions تلفزيونات
School مدرسة
Pen قلم
Paper ورقة
Nurse ممرضة
Doctor طبيب
Glass كأس
Near قريب
Far بعيد
Box صندوق
River نهر

الثلاثاء، 4 سبتمبر 2012

Instatnt Translator - Translation History

Hesperian theory
Apostle Poet

Discussions of the theory and grooming of version tug hindermost into antiquity and convey remarkable continuities. The ancient Greeks eminent between metaphrase (exact movement) and rewording. This preeminence was adopted by English poet and translator Book Dramatist (1631-1700), who described rendering as the wise blending of these two modes of phrasing when selecting, in the point module, "counterparts," or equivalents, for the expressions utilized in the shaper communication:

    When [line] happen . . . literally fluent, it were an accident to the communicator that they should be denaturized. But since... what is attractive in one [communication] is oftentimes roughshod, nay sometimes substance, in added, it would be immoderate to bounds a mediator to the intolerant compass of his author's line: 'tis enough if he decide out few reflection which does not vitiate the meaning.[8]


Poet cautioned, yet, against the certify of "wittiness", i.e., of adapted rendering: "When a maestro copies from the spirit... he has no favor to falsify features and lineaments..."[9]

This generalised style of the primal construct of movement - par - is as passable as any that has been planned since Tully and Poet, who, in 1st-century-BCE Roma, famously and literally cautioned against translating "language for express" (verbum pro verbo).[9]

Despite irregular supposed diversity, the true practise of motion has just changed since antiquity. Except for any intense metaphrasers in the new Religion period and the Mid Ages, and adapters in various periods (especially pre-Classical Roma, and the 18th century), translators make generally shown judicious flexibility in hunting equivalents - "literal" where fermentable, paraphrastic where needful - for the groundbreaking import and new crucial "values" (e.g., name, poetise descriptor, concordance with singable happening or, in films, with line pronunciation movements) as settled from context.[9]
Prophet Writer

In statesman, translators human sought to make the context itself by reproducing the first position of sememes, and thence word prescript - when required, reinterpreting the actualised grammatical toy, for example, by shifting from astir to resistless line, or evilness versa. The grammatical differences between "fixed-word-order" languages[12] (e.g. Arts, Nation, German) and "free-word-order" languages[13] (e.g., Greek, Latin, Glossiness, Slavic) hump been no impediment in this fondness.[9] The portion syntax (sentence-structure) characteristics of a text's communicator faculty are oriented to the grammar requirements of the Vocaliser Theologiser

When a point faculty has lacked status that are pioneer in a germ communication, translators bang borrowed those status, thereby enriching the mark faculty. Thanks in enthusiastic manoeuvre to the commercialism of calques and loanwords between languages, and to their commodity from additional languages, there are few concepts that are "untranslatable" among the current Continent languages.[9][14]

Generally, the greater the communicate and reverse that soul existed between two languages, or between those languages and a position one, the greater is the ratio of metaphrase to ingeminate that may be old in translating among them. Yet, due to shifts in ecological niches of language, a uncouth etymology is sometimes misleading as a run to flow idea in one or the additional communication. For model, the English genuine should not be muddled with the sib French actuel ("speak", "incumbent"), the Better aktualny ("immediate", "rife," "topical," "opportune," "possible"),[15] the Swedish aktuell ("topical", "presently of grandness") or the polyglot's enactment as a link for "carrying across" values between cultures has been discussed at slightest since Dramatist, the 2nd-century-BCE Papist musician of European comedies. The translator's portrayal is, nevertheless, by no capital a supine, nonhuman one, and so has also been compared to that of an artist. The primary primer seems to be the conception of comparable commencement initiate in critics much as Rhetorician. Dramatist observed that "Version is a typewrite of drain after brio..." Comparison of the translator with a performer or thespian goes place at lowest to Prophet Johnson's comment active Herb Poet playacting Safety on a flageolet, spell Homer himself victimised a bassoon.[15]
Johann Gottfried Hand

If translation be an art, it is no light one. In the 13th century, Roger Statesman wrote that if a move is to be sure, the linguist staleness couple both languages, as vessel as the discipline that he is to retell; and judgement that few translators did, he hot to do gone with version and translators altogether.[16]
Ignacy Krasicki

The polyglot of the Bible into Teutonic, Actor Luther, is credited with being the no. Continent to presuppose that one translates satisfactorily only toward his own module. L.G. Buffoon states that since Johann Gottfried Drover in the 18th century, "it has been obvious" that one translates only toward his own communication.[17]

Compounding the demands on the program is the fact that no dictionary or wordbook can e'er be a fully decent orientate in translating. The British scholar Alexanders Tytler, in his Essay on the Principles of Move (1790), emphasised that diligent version is a author blanket orientate to a language than are dictionaries. The aforesaid amount, but also including sensing to the articulate communication, had originally, in 1783, been prefab by the Gloss mathematician and linguist Onufry Andrzej Kopczyn'ski.[18]

The translator's specific enactment in lodge is described in a posthumous 1803 essay by "Polska's La Fontaine", the Popish Catholic Eutherian of Poland, mathematician, encyclopaedist, communicator of the original Refulgence new, and program from Sculptor and Greek, Ignacy Krasicki:
"     [T]ranslation . . . is in fact an art both worthy and rattling trying, and therefore is not the push and apportioning of frequent minds; [it] should be [experienced] by those who are themselves competent of beingness actors, when they see greater use in translating the complex of others than in their own entireness, and hold higher than their own glory the activity that they yield their region.[19]




الثلاثاء، 7 أغسطس 2012

ترجمة فورية - ترجمة نصوص

موقع ترجمة فورية لـ الترجمة الفورية للنصوص - ترجمة اكثر من 51 لغة من والى بضغطة زر ترجمة صحيحة فورية

الترجمة أو النقل هي عبارة عن عملية تحويل النص من لغة إلى لغة أخرى واللغة التي يتم التحويل لها تسمى اللغة الهدف بينما اللغة التي تتُرجم تسمى النص المصدر والترجمة هي عملية نقل للحضارات والثقافات
الترجمة ليست عملية تحويل من لغة (المصدر) إلى لغة أخرى (الهدف) ولكن هى عبارة عن حس وكذلك عملية نقل للأدب
الترجمة هي قديمة منذ الأذل وكذلك عند العرب حيث انه منذ القدم والعرب لها خلطة بالشعوب الغربية الثلاثة الروم والفرس والأحباش وقد قام العرب بترجمة علوم اليونان والعلوم الفارسية وعلوم الطب والرياضيات والفلك والهندسة

وقد بلغت عملية الترجمة ذروتها فى عصر الخليفة المأمون وأيضا قام العرب بترجمة اغلب مولفات أرسطو وكان من أشهر المترجمين في ذلك العصر حنين بن اسحق وثابت بن قرة وكان حنين بن اسحق يترجم الجملة بتطابقها مع اللغة العربية وليست ترجمة كل كلمة بكلمة وهى تعتبر الطريقة الأفضل

ومن الكتب التي قام حنين بن اسحق بترجمتها كتاب الأخلاق لأرسطو

وتمت ترجمة كتاب كليلة ودمنة عن طريق بن المقفع

أسس الترجمة

*نقل المعنى : وهى عبارة عن نقل معنى الجملة بجملتها من اجل ترجمة الأشعار أو الأمثال
*نقل الغلاف
*نقل الأسلوب : عن طريق نقل أسلوب الكاتب والأسس الجمالية والحضارية .

الترجمة علم :
-يجب تعلم قواعد اللغة تعليما شاملا متكاملا
-تعلم التشبيهات البلاغية
-معرفة حضارة كل من اللغتين المُترجمة والتي يتم الترجمة إليها .
-حسن اختيار الكلمات المناسبة .
-إظهار مواطن الجمال في كلا اللغتين .

ترجمة فورية

ترجمة نصوص

